Ideally My Africa
So, our country has issues... And if mass media is to be believed, so does the rest of the world.
Standing around with friends and strangers at a braai or bar, I find myself defending my (our) country. I rattle off how young and great our country is, how much potential it has to be even greater and what a fantastic melting pot our country is for new ideas. Ending with a stirring omarge’ to the Charge of the Light Brigade; how I will die on the soil I was born on and carry on... (Is it because I am young and naive, myself... maybe.)
But in my heart of hearts, I question it.... I ask; is it worth it. Are the nay-sayers right... is my beloved country, my continent, going to hell in a wire-beaded hand basket.Then I take a deep breath and smile and say to myself.... This is home. This is my home. What can I do to make it better?
And I know, there is going to be those who say that it is too late. That the sky IS falling and I am deluding myself and those around me.
But, I am forced to remember one simple thing my father taught me; if you are going to moan about a situation, always propose a solution to resolve it. Never just belittle people for doing something you are afraid of doing yourself.
So, this is the premise of this whole social experiment:
There are issues out there that stare at us every day of our lives. Tell us about it, and propose a solution. It doesn’t have to be a great one, just something that others can think about and discuss.Hopefully, if enough people see your proposed solution, there might be someone in a position to act upon it.
In that way, hopefully, we can all find that one elusive thing that we are all missing when we speak about our home....that sense of unwavering pride, in ourselves and in others.
Tell us what you think of this idea and let us know what else you would like to see;
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